The students of Recklinghausen visit the Insula College in Dordrecht from Monday 6th – Friday 10th of February 2017.
Goals of this exchange:
Language experience for both groups (German students learning Dutch and Dutch students learning German)
Increase interest in science
Activate interest in science in younger pupils (10-11 year olds; group 7 of the Dutch school system)
Students work in units of 4 (2 Dutch and 2 German students), total of 10 units. All the students visit Futureland on Tuesday. On Wednesday they work on a pitch for the younger pupils. On Thursday they will present the outcome of their work.
The younger pupils each receive a fiche; at the end of the pitches they can put their fiche in the collector of the Unit they liked the most. The Unit with the most fiches wins a price (and eternal fame!).
Extra task: the Units have to make the blank collector they receive on Wednesday morning recognizable for the pupils!
Monday 6/2
Arrival of the students: members of units are already known!
Evening: introduction and video (10 min.), followed by a short period to gather information about the Rotterdam harbours
Using a Kahoot quiz, every unit can get points. The winner can first choose a subject for their pitch, than the second, etcetera.
Tuesday 7/2
Visit to Futureland
Students keep in mind their subject of the pitch!
Wednesday 8/2
8.30 – 14.30: Students work on pitch and on collector
Pitch of 8 minutes
11.20-12.10: test with pupils from V1B
5 groups of 4 pupils, each group will visit 4 pitches, and fill in feedback form
Each unit pitches for 2 groups, so 2 feedback forms
12.30-13.00: lunch break
13.00-14.30: use of the feedback forms to make further adjustments
14.30-16.00: visit to the towns hall of Dordrecht
17.00-19.00: the Movies
Thursday 9/2
9.00: arrival of younger pupils (10 groups of each 7 pupils, group 1, 2, 3, etc.)
9.10-10.00: Round 1: each group visit 5 different Units (each pitch takes 8 minutes, plus 2 minutes to move to next pitch)
10.00-10.10: break
10.10-11.00: Round 2: each group visit 5 different Units (each pitch takes 8 minutes, plus 2 minutes to move to next pitch)
11.00-11.10: Pupils put their fiche in the collector of their favourite Unit
11.10-11.20 Counting of the fiches and announcement of the winning Unit
To do List
Members of the 10 units (A, B, C, etc.), using the groups of the last exchange in Recklinghausen (Tobias, Manuel)
10 different subjects for pitches (Greetje)
Form for units with task (Greetje)
Monday evening competition: Kahoot quiz (Greetje)
V1B for Wednesday 11.20-12.10 (Greetje)
Feedback form for V1B (Greetje)
A price for the winners of the best pitch
Contact with Johan Friso School: pupils already divided in 10 groups of each about 7 pupils (Karin PRL)
10 collectors (small, not see-through) to collect the fiches
100 fiches (Greetje)