This is a picture of the first day. Sunday 6-12-2015 We went bowling.The pupils from Denmark, Croatian, Germany and the Netherlands were in Germany . The pupils and teachers from Spain were coming later that evening. Bowling was fun. Its was a time to make the first connections with each other. In the beginning it was a little awkward, because it is difficult to start a conversation. But at the end it was really fun!
Weihnachtsmarkt 6-12-2015
Here a few of us were going to visit the "Weihnachtsmarkt" , which means "Christmasmarket". With eight people we ate our dinner there and walked in the centre of Recklinghausen. We had a lot of fun doing that!
School 7-12-2015
The next day we were going to the Wolfgang Borchert Schule. The first thing we did there was showing each other the promotion videos we made in our own countries. After that we had a break. Then it was time again to work on our project. Making a short movie and a poster of the project. We all were really tired but we had lots of fun. We learned each other words from our own languages. like: "Chica loca", which is Spanish and means: "crazy girl," or "Na zdravle", that means bless you in Croatian. We really connected. It was so nice to do that. We really enjoyed that moment. We were also working on the poster. We finished the poster that day.